
September 4, 2013:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

90 Degrees today

It went up to 90 degrees today! So after school we all jumped into the pool. The Dravecks joined us. Anna Williams came over to see the pool and she brought Daisy.

Swimming, swimming,
In the swimming pool.
When days are hot
Or days are cool
In the swimming pool.
Back stroke, side stroke,
Fancy diving, too.
There’s no place
I would rather be
Than in the swimming pool.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ella Jane


3 lbs 6 oz

Ella without her oxygen and no nose prongs.

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Friday, May 27, 2011


First one in. Isabella!

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Finally Done. Isabella was the first in the pool. I dropped her in ankle deep. She loved it thought it had to be freezing!

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Pool going in

More pool pictures!

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Pools In May 26

The Clary Families new pool!

Wow. What a day! Our Backyard changed for ever. We were very nervous that it was going to rain, but what a beatiful day it turned out to be!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Full on Maddy

Maddy has a special way about her. Here she is letting everyone know she does not get a veil yet with only a facial expression.

Oh, and maddy can now play hop scotch and can also spell her name.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

First Holy Communion

Haily looked beautiful all dressed up for her first holy communion.

May 21st, 2011 @ 1:00pm
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Thank you God for sending me this amazing little girl. Lord, Bless this child with guidance from above and fill her days with faith, joy and love. - Mommy (Karen)

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dance recital

Isabella and her class danced to "when somebody loved me" from toy story. What grace and elegance! I am so proud of you isabella. Keep being a dreamer, a performer, and a superstar!

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Dress rehersal

Loving the make up.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome to the world, Ella Jane

Born March 18, 2011
1 pound 5 ounces
25 weeks

*Note: She has that look in her eyes that Maddy gets. Watch out Missy! She is going to be a wild child.

Ella Jane Salazar

Big Brother Andrew!

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Graham Thomas

Welcome to the world, Graham Thomas
May 11, 2011
9 pounds 4 ounces.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Maddy's 3rd birthday

All the family joined to celebrate maddy's 3rd bday. She got a slide from aunt issy and mommy. She got legos and play-doh from grandpa. She got lion king tickets from nana. From amy & ava she got all the princesses dolls and a camera. Happy birthday maddy!

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Ava rachael

Playing dress-up at uncle richies and aunt bridgets.

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Sunday game day

We had snacks first. Maddy played like a duck!

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Saturday, May 14, 2011


Bella just dove into the pool! Did an awesome job too! I am so proud of her bravery.
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Last day of swim

Isabella is such a fun person to be with. She has such a joy for life. She has come a long way with having to always be first. She is more active in games too! No longer having to always direct others. She is becoming an excellent swimmer as well. We get our pool next Thursday! We are very excited.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Maddy does not like to wear shorts because she gets hurt with them on. Today she fell in my drive way. Big boo~boo on the knee. Maddy cried and cried! So she got pudding before dinner

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First communion

I was so proud of you today. You were so sick, but like a trooper you made it through. You worked hard to make this day. You are holy!

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